Prof. Rafiqul Islam, Dean, FBE, Mr. Md. Musharrof Hossain, Head of HRM, ICDDRB & President of BSHRM, Mr. Md. Shibli Shariar, Assistant Professor of FBE, Mr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Business Administration and Mr. Mohammed Shakhawat Hossain, Coordinator, EMBA program along with the participants of the workshop.
A day long workshop titled “HR for Non HR Managers” held at Daffodil International University on August 23, 2014. The workshop was organized by MBA Program Office and Career Development Centre (CDC) of Daffodil International University. The facilitators of the workshop were Mr. Md. Musharrof Hossain, Head of HRM, ICDDRB & President of Bangladesh Society for Human Resource Management (BSHRM) and Mr. Md. Shibli Shariar, Assistant Professor of FBE and a Certified Trainer. Professor Rafiqul Islam, Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE), Mr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Business Administration, Mr. Mohammed Shakhawat Hossain, Coordinator, EMBA program were present in the inaugural and closing session of the workshop.